Time to Talk Day
Wow. We now have a special day to make “#time to talk”. But as one of the complaints I hear from clients is “I find it difficult to talk” or “he/she won’t talk to me” if we now let ourselves off the hook by providing a special day for letting others know how we feel – then what should we be doing about the other 364 days!! I am of course being flippant. It is of course great to encourage people to share how they are feeling and to communicate to others and if it takes a Special #Time to Talk Day to do it then great. Our mental, or emotional health as I like to phrase it, is very important and I see daily the results of people not communicating their feelings and the scars and issues that that creates. Most clients report feeling lighter once they have shared things with others and usually that translates into them suddenly looking brighter which doubles the benefits – knocking a few years off of our appearance and feeling happier. Of course sometimes just talking about things isn’t enough, sometimes we have to “go in the operation” as I would say and unravel thought patterns and beliefs that are not serving us well. A bit like lancing a boil – it can hurt like hell while you are doing it but then it heals! If you are feeling at odds with the World and you can’t figure out why or it do think you know why but don’t know how to change it- may I respectfull suggest that you might like to open up to someone about it. Let’s collectively start a “#Time to Talk Day is Everyday”
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