Sometimes we think we know how life should be and it isn’t
Sometimes we think we know what we want and we don’t
Sometimes we don’t trust enough in case we are rejected
Sometimes we live in the past and forget it is dead
Sometimes we loose out because we don’t take risks
Sometimes when we get what we want we feel boxed in
Sometimes we are always travelling and we never arrive
Sometimes we think that the fork in the road will lead us “home”
Sometimes we have no idea of what life holds in store but that is the fun
Sometimes we have no idea of what we want but are honest enough to try everything so we can choose
Sometimes we trust ourselves more than anyone else
Sometimes we remember we are who we are because of our past
Sometimes taking “risks” can teach us more about life and ourselves than anything
Sometimes getting what we want makes us realise how worthwhile it was to struggle to get it.
Sometimes we appreciate how great it is not to have to make the journey
Sometimes we realise that home is everywhere we are.
JRW March 2004
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