Our Negative Thoughts Makes Us Anxious


Have you ever paid attention to the narrative you tell yourself?

I’m too fat;  I’m not good at relationships;  No one really likes me;  I’m rubbish at…;   I’m boring;  I’ve got to be the best;  Everyone is cleaver than I;  etc. etc.

Some of these things may be true but if we go around telling ourselves them constantly and also worrry about being judged by ‘others’  (mostly imaginary ‘others’ me thinks!!) to whom we give such contro,l no wonder we end up living anxious lives.   Do you think people who are don’t seem to be concerned by any of those things go around telling themselves that they are.  They do the opposite.

Most of our narrative is in the sub-conscious i.e we do it automatically but when we really stop and list out our beliefs about ourselves we bring them into focus

And most of these thoughts about ourselves are formed early on in life but we keep writing the same story over and over again.  But when life isn’t working so well for us and we stop and really look at all the evidence to support the narrative we can usually see what is actually true, imagined or someone else’s belief.

If you are stuck in your negative narrative that makes you anxious drop me an email on jean@justonesmallstep.uk.com and we can arrange a 15 minute non therapeutic taster session to see how counselling can help you free yourself.


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