Are bank holidays all they are cracked up to be?

Having just had another bank holiday each of us will have our own view as to how it was for us.  I wonder if you were a “survivor and glad it’s over” type of person or a “great to have some extra time with people or things that I enjoy” one.  A bit like school […]

September 1, 2011 in Addiction, Counselling, Depression, News, Psychotherapy, Relationships by

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Confidence and the Internal chatterbox

Having confidence or not all boils down to which of our internal chatterboxes wins.  We have the negative one that say, “oh no – it’s going to be awful”  “Everyone will think/does think I am stupid” etc. etc.  but unless we all have some psychic ability how do we actually know what others think.    Ah […]

August 21, 2011 in Addiction, Counselling, Psychotherapy, Relationships by

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Hoarding – Another addiction

I watched a great documentary the other evening regarding a daughters struggle with her mother’s addiction to hoarding.   To me, it gave a very balanced view of the mental torment an addiction can have on both the addicted person themselves and the family members.  We often think that issues we have are our own and […]

August 18, 2011 in Addiction, Counselling, Depression, Psychotherapy, Relationships by

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Workaholics – to holiday or not holiday

Bizarrely since my last blog regarding getting a life balance my eye has been drawn to a few articles discussing whether holidays are good or bad for you.  My view is that a holiday or break away gives you the opportunity to recharge your batteries, to change focus and to operate on a personal instead of […]

August 15, 2011 in Addiction, Counselling, News, Psychotherapy, Relationships by

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Work life balance – Another addiction

Does it exists?  It is now the weekend and how many us will stop and “smell the roses”?  I am sure a few will having learnt perhaps the hard way that to be truly ourselves and to get the very best out of our lives it is our essential for ourselves.   However for some is […]

August 12, 2011 in Addiction, Counselling, Depression, Psychotherapy, Relationships by

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Amy Winehouse found dead

My first thought on hearing this news was “What a waste”. Not just a waste of her unique talent but of another human being ravaged by addiction. I suppose there may be some out there who will judge her as weak and lacking self-control but to me it just shows the power of addiction. No […]

July 24, 2011 in Addiction, Counselling, News, Psychotherapy by

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Just want to talk?

Sometimes just speaking to a professional outside of our circle of friends and family is enough to make us feel better.  Most of the answers we seek are usually within ourselves and by talking to someone in a confidential and non-judgemental way makes us find the insight we need to make us feel lighter. Sometimes […]

February 27, 2011 in Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy by

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