My first thought on hearing this news was “What a waste”. Not just a waste of her unique talent but of another human being ravaged by addiction. I suppose there may be some out there who will judge her as weak and lacking self-control but to me it just shows the power of addiction. No […]
July 24, 2011 in Addiction, Counselling, News, Psychotherapy by Jean Watson
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Sometimes just speaking to a professional outside of our circle of friends and family is enough to make us feel better. Most of the answers we seek are usually within ourselves and by talking to someone in a confidential and non-judgemental way makes us find the insight we need to make us feel lighter. Sometimes […]
February 27, 2011 in Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy by Jean Watson
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The aim of counselling is to provide you with a confidential opportunity to explore your thoughts and feelings in safety in order to assist your learning, healing, understanding and growth. My role is to help you through this process without judgement, or telling you what to do. I may on occasions give information or offer […]
February 26, 2011 in Counselling by Jean Watson
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