Red Nose Day 2019

Red Nose Day is about bringing people together to have fun, raise money and change the lives of kids who need our help the most.   Sounds, and is, a great idea.  Childhood should be the time of our lives when we are surrounded by love, empowerment and balance but in many families that is not […]

March 15, 2019 in CBT, children, Counselling, counselling via skype, couples counselling, Domestic violence, Online Counselling, relationship counselling, Relationships, Sexual abuse, Skype Therapy, Stress by

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Children “failed on grand scale” according to the British Medical Association

The BMA’s report (according to the BBC News) “Growing Up in the UK” “highlighted issues such as obesity and foetal alcohol syndrome (babies who are born with disabilities due to the mother’s drinking)” .  The report also mentioned the need for “parenting classes, improving maternal nutrition and targeting children born in households with unhealthy habits, […]

July 3, 2013 in Addiction, CBT, children, Counselling, Counselling online, counselling via skype, Depression, REBT, Relationships by

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